FlowCentric Technologies Official Blog

How BPM Software Battles White-Collar Crime

Written by Heather McDade | 06-Nov-2023 07:17:33

As organisations navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one innovation has emerged as a catalyst for operational excellence and a guardian against white-collar crime: Business Process Management (BPM) software.

Solutions like FlowCentric Processware have revolutionised how businesses streamline their operations and enforce compliance. While the advantages of implementing a BPM system are evident, the journey to implementation can be impeded by stakeholder hesitation. In this article, we will explore these advantages and address some of the concerns that may hamper progress.

From Risk to Resilience

White-collar crime, which includes fraudulent activities such as embezzlement, money laundering, and insider trading, can inflict significant damage on organisations, both financially and reputationally. For example, the Enron scandal was one of the most significant corporate fraud cases in history. The company used accounting loopholes to hide debt and inflate profits. Had a BPM system been in place to enforce segregation of duties, it would have been much more challenging for a few key individuals to manipulate the financial reports without detection. More recently, Wells Fargo employees were found to have created millions of fake accounts for existing customers without their knowledge or consent. A BPM system could have established better oversight and review mechanisms for account creation, making it easier to detect these unauthorised actions early on.

Combatting these illicit activities requires a multifaceted approach, and BPM software is a potent tool in this fight. Here's how BPM software helps reduce or eliminate white-collar crime:

  1. Segregation of Duties: BPM enforces a system of segregation of duties, preventing any single person or department from having complete control over a crucial process or asset. This significantly reduces the opportunity and incentive for fraud, as it requires collusion between multiple parties to conceal fraudulent transactions.
  2. Oversight and Review: BPM provides continuous oversight and review of all functions and transactions by using workflows and business rules to ensure compliance with policies and regulations. This enables organisations to detect errors, anomalies, or deviations from the expected outcomes in real-time, reducing the chances of fraudulent activities going unnoticed.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Through BPM, organisations can enhance transparency and accountability. The software creates detailed audit trails and generates reports that clearly show who did what, when, and why. This not only aids in monitoring but also facilitates the detection and investigation of suspicious or irregular activities by internal or external auditors.
  4. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: BPM harnesses data analytics and artificial intelligence to monitor and analyse large volumes of data from various sources. These technologies can identify patterns, trends, or anomalies that may indicate white-collar crime. Furthermore, they can predict and prevent potential risks or threats by flagging unusual behaviour or transaction patterns.

How To Overcome Resistance

While the benefits of BPM software in combating white-collar crime are compelling, organisations may hesitate to embrace this transformative technology due to a range of factors. Here are three common reasons for this hesitancy and suggestions on how to overcome these for the good of the business:

  1. Resistance to Change: Resistance to change is a natural human tendency. Employees may be comfortable with existing processes and systems, or they might not fully grasp the need or value of improving them. Addressing this hesitancy requires effective change management, education, and clear communication about the benefits of the BPM software.
  2. Lack of Leadership Support: BPM initiatives thrive when there is strong support from top management. Without clear leadership and strategic alignment, employees may not see the importance of BPM software or how it contributes to achieving organisational goals. Leaders must communicate their vision and demonstrate commitment to BPM initiatives.
  3. Low Trust and Poor Communication: A culture of trust, collaboration, and open communication is vital for the success of any BPM software implementation. When there is a lack of trust among stakeholders and poor communication with the software vendor, it can impede cooperation and lead to misunderstandings. Building trust and establishing effective communication channels are essential in fostering a BPM-friendly culture.
  4. Concern Over Long-Term Damage: Organisations often strive to maintain a positive public image and investor confidence. Exposing white-collar crime can lead to a loss of trust among stakeholders, including customers, investors, and partners. Management may be motivated to keep such crimes hidden, dealing with them internally, to preserve these crucial relationships and ensure the stability of the business. To address this concern, companies can proactively implement robust internal investigations and corrective measures when white-collar crime is detected. Transparently communicate these actions to stakeholders, emphasising the organisation's commitment to upholding ethical standards and maintaining trust. Demonstrating a proactive approach to addressing wrongdoing can help preserve stakeholder relationships while mitigating reputational damage.

In conclusion, BPM software like FlowCentric Processware is a powerful ally in the battle against white-collar crime. It provides the mechanisms and tools needed to strengthen an organisation's internal controls, enforce compliance, and proactively detect fraudulent activities. However, to harness the full potential of BPM, organisations must overcome hesitations related to change, leadership, resources, and culture. With the right approach, BPM can be a transformational force for businesses, reducing the risk of white-collar crime while enhancing efficiency and transparency.


This article explores the role of Business Process Management (BPM) software in combating white-collar crime within organisations. It highlights the various types of white-collar crimes, their consequences, and how BPM software can prevent and detect these crimes. The article also addresses common challenges organisations face when implementing BPM software and offers solutions for overcoming them.