FlowCentric Official Blog

What IT questions should a CFO be asking?

Written by FlowCentric Technologies | 25-Dec-2014 09:15:00

Modern chief financial officers (CFOs) face many challenges in managing the bottom line. Not only do they have to deal with emerging technologies and transforming regulatory compliance issues, they must also ensure that their department performs its accounting, billing and reporting duties successfully and proficiently.

While the CFO is still expected to serve as the financial authority in an organisation, ensuring the integrity of fiscal data and modelling transparency and accountability, the role of CFO has evolved significantly over the years. CFOs are increasingly expected to provide strategic insight and timely advice to the CEO and board of directors.

FlowCentric Technologies gives insight into questions like:

  • How is King III affecting CFOS?
  • Why should an electronic self-service strategy be important to a CFO?
  • Why should custom code concern a CFO?
  • Why should a CFO understand what the CIO is doing to simplify identity & access management?
  • Why should data security be top of mind for the modern CFO?
  • Are data storage costs affecting the bottom-line?
