Twenty-Four Years of Control and Consistency

Twenty-Four Years of Control and Consistency

29-Aug-2024 16:50:39
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Twenty-Four Years of Control and Consistency

From modest beginnings, akin to many great software companies, to the internationally recognised organisation it is today, FlowCentric and its flagship product, FlowCentric Processware, proudly celebrate their 24th anniversary this year.

Reflecting on the journey during a recent team event, CEO Jacques Wessels recounted the company's evolution from a small, single-room operation to the international team it is today. “The term ‘digitalisation’ might be a buzzword now, but we’ve been doing it for decades,” Wessels remarked, emphasising the company’s long-standing commitment to innovation and excellence.

Since its inception in 2000, FlowCentric has collaborated with some of the most respected names across various industries, including South African Breweries (now part of AB InBev), Fujifilm SA, FlySafair, and Austal Limited, an Australian-based global shipbuilding company. More recently, the company has provided its vertical solution, DSO for the security industry, to clients like Vetus Schola. Throughout, the company’s core objective has remained unchanged: to deliver software solutions that ensure consistent outcomes while maintaining the necessary controls to comply with legislation.

In a world where change is the only constant, businesses face a barrage of challenges - from rapid technological advancements and information overload to global conflicts, political divisions, and economic uncertainty. This chaotic environment has made reliability and consistency more valued than ever. For businesses aiming to deliver quality products and services, these qualities are now non-negotiable.

Consumers today are more informed, more connected, and, as a result, more demanding. They expect products and services to meet their needs seamlessly, with minimal hitches. However, meeting these expectations isn’t just about offering a good product; it’s about ensuring that the same level of quality is delivered every single time. Consistency builds trust, and trust is what keeps customers coming back.

In contrast, organisations relying on outdated or inflexible systems find themselves increasingly at odds with these expectations. When processes are not aligned, or systems cannot adapt to the changing landscape, the result is often inconsistency - manifesting as missed deadlines, subpar products, or poor customer service - all of which lead to dissatisfied customers. But the impact doesn’t stop there; it ripples through the entire business chain, frustrating suppliers, disrupting operations, and ultimately eroding the company’s reputation.

Conversely, companies that have invested in robust, adaptable systems, like those offered by FlowCentric, can maintain the high standards their customers expect, regardless of external pressures. These businesses are not just surviving the chaos; they’re thriving, standing out in a crowded marketplace by consistently delivering quality and reliability, even when others fall short.

Building a Legacy of Quality and Consistency

FlowCentric’s flagship product, FlowCentric Processware, has been instrumental in powering powerful organisations. The software is not just confined to Africa but has a global footprint, reaching from Texas to London to Perth.

“Our software touches the lives of tens of thousands of people every day,” says Denis Bensch, CIO at FlowCentric. “The steel and concrete supporting the mall where you shop, or the burger and beer you enjoy after work—our software has played a part in getting these goods to you,” he explains. Whether it’s in the extraction of raw materials, franchisees ordering ingredients, or the production and delivery of beer, FlowCentric Processware has had a tangible impact on these processes.

Bensch adds, “FlowCentric Processware improves lives by standardising and automating the critical processes that people rely on to get work done. It makes completing tasks simpler and faster, allowing management by exception, which ensures that when problems arise, employees have the time to dedicate themselves to solving the issues efficiently.”

The long-term relationships FlowCentric has maintained with its clients are a testament to the platform’s quality, flexibility, and value. “Many of our clients start with just a couple of processes, but they quickly see the value of FlowCentric Processware and expand its use across their operations,” Bensch notes. “In a fast-paced technological environment, longevity speaks volumes about what we offer.”

With more than 30% of the company’s clients having been with us for over a decade, Bensch attributes this success to FlowCentric Processware’s robustness and the company’s unwavering commitment to customer success. “We are often in awe of the far-reaching influence our software has on people’s lives. It’s a privilege to be part of something that changes the way businesses engage with their customers,” he says.

Looking Ahead

As FlowCentric Processware continues to evolve, it remains a powerful and versatile platform capable of meeting the needs of rapidly changing organisations and the demands of evolving technology.

Thank You

To our customers, partners, and suppliers: Thank you for your unwavering support over the years. We value the long-term relationships we’ve built and look forward to continuing our collaboration for many more years to come.


Topics: Customer News, Insider, Events, FlowCentric Software

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