Deepfake Fraud: Using BPM to Counter the Threat of AI-Based Forgery

02-Oct-2019 17:09:41

There’s a new kid on the corporate cyber fraud block – one that poses a level of threat never encountered before. It’s a threat that seems to come directly from a cheesy...

Separation of Duties is Essential in Business

02-Sep-2019 10:27:05

Implementing a BPM system means that segregation of duties is built in and there's oversight of all functions, helping to reduce the risk of errors.

FlowCentric Technologies Event: Competitive In A Connected World

30-Jul-2019 11:30:50

The company's recent Customer and Partner Event showcased how the FlowCentric Processware platform can improve business operations and deliver extended solutions such as...

Congratulations: FlowCentric Technologies Announces Global Partner Award Winners

26-Jul-2019 11:10:00

Jacques Wessels, the CEO of FlowCentric Technologies, announced the winners of the 2018-2019 FlowCentric Technologies Partner of the Year Awards at the #FlowCentricConnected...

Don’t Let Lapsed Licences Hurt Your Business, Digitise and Automate the Process

04-Jul-2019 08:30:00

Asset-intensive businesses such as mines and private security companies are made up of countless moving parts, many of which need to work together for the company to remain...

Eldir: DSO Tackling Costly Operational Challenges In Private Security

03-Jul-2019 09:36:43

If you haven’t heard of Eldir: Digitised Security Officer (DSO) yet, then you probably don’t work in the South African private security industry. The unique application is...

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