Is Application Clutter Undermining Digital Transformation?

25-Feb-2019 14:11:24

BPM and IoT: A Knockout Combination?

11-Dec-2018 16:46:38

By Rodney Weidemann in issue #18 | Q4 2018 | Transformer

The real power of data lies in what an organisation does with it. This is why marrying BPM and IoT technologies can...

Embracing Digital Disruption Through Collaboration

26-Nov-2018 14:35:14

The 21st century heralded the acceleration of the digital economy, an economy characterised by what's euphemistically termed 'disruption', but in reality, is evolving into...

Digital Transformation in the Security Industry

02-Nov-2018 14:10:16

Eldir (Pty) Ltd, the newest member of the FlowCentric Group, launched its flagship product, Eldir: Digitised Security Officer (DSO), at Microsoft Bryanston on Friday.

Process Management is Key to Leveraging the Internet of Things

26-Sep-2018 09:15:00

Much of the hype around the Internet of things (IoT) has been directed at consumer products such as devices that monitor your health; or smart homes, where sensors check the...

Taking BPM out of the Back Office

07-Sep-2018 08:21:20

Business process management (BPM) software is often associated with the enterprise’s back office, where it is used to process more traditional information such as leave...

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