Do Professional Programmers Need an Ethics Code?

27-Jun-2018 15:51:06

If you write code for a living, there’s a chance that during your career, someone will ask you to write something a little dodgy – if not outright unethical. The question is...

What is GitHub and why do developers care about Microsoft’s acquisition plans?

20-Jun-2018 15:56:45

Earlier this month Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, created quite a buzz in the developer community when he announced that Microsoft would acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion in...

Are Invisible Gorillas Causing Your Business Processes to Fail?

13-Apr-2018 12:43:19

A study was conducted at the Harvard Medical School where a group of Radiologist were given several lung scans to examine. 83% of the radiologist didn’t see the gorilla that...

Growing the Partner Channel: FlowCentric Technologies Announce Global Partner Award Winners 2017

14-Mar-2018 11:55:48

FlowCentric Technologies develop and support the well-known business process management (BPM) software, FlowCentric Processware. The software is sold and implemented through...

Starting a Project? Read Our Easy Guide On How To Successfully Manage Tasks

12-Feb-2018 11:35:44

In first aid, ABC stands forairways,breathing, andcirculation and are some of the first steps that emergency personal take to assess the condition of a patient. If you...

FlowCentric Technologies and OQLIS Announce New Technology Partnership

09-Feb-2018 12:08:19

FlowCentric Technologies announced today it has entered into a technology partnership with OQLIS Software Corporation. The partnership is set to provide an additional...

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