Despite the global economic uncertainty brought on by inflation, rising energy costs, and the threat of a recession, businesses plan to allocate more of their funds towards...
In 2019, half of all US manufacturing and distribution sales – $8.4 trillion in business-to-business sales – were processed manually, with customer service representatives...
The CEO’s role is to orchestrate the strategy and direction of the business. This role requires strategic thinking and execution. Since processes drive strategy, people,...
Business leaders are tired of software implementations that do more harm than good. Many have been burned by big ticket solutions which, even if the technical implementation...
With the enormous changes and expenses wrought by the pandemic, many large digital projects were put on the back burner while companies weathered the storm.
Process improvement is all about simplifying, streamlining, and automating your existing processes to make them better. When they’re working optimally, your company can get...