If you write code for a living, there’s a chance that during your career, someone will ask you to write something a little dodgy – if not outright unethical. The question is...
Heather McDade

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Earlier this month Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, created quite a buzz in the developer community when he announced that Microsoft would acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion in...
Growing the Partner Channel: FlowCentric Technologies Announce Global Partner Award Winners 2017
FlowCentric Technologies develop and support the well-known business process management (BPM) software, FlowCentric Processware. The software is sold and implemented through...
In first aid, ABC stands forairways,breathing, andcirculation and are some of the first steps that emergency personal take to assess the condition of a patient. If you...
FlowCentric Technologies announced today it has entered into a technology partnership with OQLIS Software Corporation. The partnership is set to provide an additional...
Use the Right Technology to Empower Innovation for Lasting Digital Business Transformation
It seems that every industry is talking about digital transformation, which is often viewed as going paperless. Digital business transformation would be better described as ...