Heather McDade

Digital Marketing Manager at FlowCentric Technologies. Heather has more than two decade's worth of experience in the software and business services industries. As an experienced digital marketer, she manages all digital marketing platforms for the company.
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Symptoms That Indicate Your Software Is Reaching Its End-Of-Life

06-Jun-2017 12:09:59

Do you have a great software application, but the platform you’ve developed it on is no longer stable? Technology advances are occurring at such an exhausting pace that your...

New Enterprise BPM Software Offering For Emerging Markets

01-Jun-2017 12:51:12

Today FlowCentric Technologies CEO, Jacques Wessels announced the official release of the company’s latest digital process automation software, Processware 2016 Enterprise...

FlowCentric Technologies Release Enterprise Edition for Oracle RDBMS

29-May-2017 16:39:09

FlowCentric Technologies are releasing a new edition of the company's digital process automation software aimed at enterprise organisations. The aptly named Processware...

Unprecedented Global WannaCry Ransomware Attack Has Left Thousands of Users More Than Just Teary-Eyed

18-May-2017 13:28:16

An unprecedented malware attack began sweeping the globe late last week. Numbers are sketchy at present but security researchers estimate that more than 200,000 computers in...

FlowCentric Partner Leverages IoT and Processware to Streamline SHEQ Management

26-Apr-2017 09:00:00

Business process management (BPM) software developers FlowCentric Technologies are proud to showcase their Innovation Partner of the Year, Ability Solutions.

FlowCentric Technologies Announces 2016 Global Partner Award Winners

12-Apr-2017 09:07:15

11 April 2017, Pretoria – FlowCentric Technologies celebrated their partner’s 2016 successes at their annual Global Partner Awards ceremony, held at Sable House in the leafy...

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