When Your Known Known Is Actually An Unknown Known

08-Jul-2020 11:51:21

In the current world of COVID-19 we are inundated with data like daily infections, deaths per day, per country, per demographic and so forth.

Is Your CIO Making The Most Of Your Data?

11-Jun-2020 15:20:02

The role of the chief information officer (CIO) has undergone substantial changes in the past two decades. These days, organisations lean on their CIO to keep data safe while...

Pandemic-Proof: Building A Crisis-Resistant Organisation

20-May-2020 12:52:23

When a virtual session of South Africa’s parliamentary proceedings was hijacked and flooded with pornographic images in early May, it made headlines around the world.

Keeping The Office Lights Burning – At Home

06-Apr-2020 17:18:55

Many people are wondering just how much business process automation (BPA) can help to reduce the strain on organisations that need to continue operations, with limited staff...

Covid-19: How To Manage The Supply Chain Risks

18-Mar-2020 09:15:00

Centralised supplier management provides better insights into supply chain risks and reduces the chances of an organisation scrambling in the event of a pandemic.

Taking a Business Global

11-Dec-2019 14:50:24

The number of businesses opening branches in other countries is growing. However, running an international business, especially one that operates in more than two countries,...

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