Science fiction has often portrayed artificial intelligence (AI) as self-aware robots with anthropomorphic qualities and evil intentions. While this depiction may have made...
The Internet of Things refers to the more than 24 billion physical devices around the world that are connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data.
By Rodney Weidemann in issue #18 | Q4 2018 | Transformer
The real power of data lies in what an organisation does with it. This is why marrying BPM and IoT technologies can...
The 21st century heralded the acceleration of the digital economy, an economy characterised by what's euphemistically termed 'disruption', but in reality, is evolving into...
Eldir (Pty) Ltd, the newest member of the FlowCentric Group, launched its flagship product, Eldir: Digitised Security Officer (DSO), at Microsoft Bryanston on Friday.