Heather McDade

Digital Marketing Manager at FlowCentric Technologies. Heather has more than two decade's worth of experience in the software and business services industries. As an experienced digital marketer, she manages all digital marketing platforms for the company.
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All a Flutter on How to Declutter?

06-Aug-2015 11:33:00

So much has been written about “decluttering” in the last few years. Everything, from your home to your life, should be decluttered say all the books, blogs and boffins. With...

The Yellow Car Phenomenon in Business Process Transformation

17-Jul-2015 10:16:00

Have you ever experienced that peculiar moment when you spot a yellow car, and suddenly, yellow cars seem to appear everywhere? It's not just a quirk of perception; it's...

Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect

15-Jun-2015 11:20:00

Unlike the weather, a successful business must pay attention to public opinion if they want to succeed. Complaints and compliments are equally useful to management as they...

“I just want it to work”

14-Jan-2013 12:23:25

And your systems should!

When it comes to software systems, a quote from George Bernard Shaw comes to mind.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable...

If you’re on thin ice, you might as well dance

11-Jan-2013 12:19:04

An attitude adopted by many employees when procedural steps become laborious or too elaborate. It is human nature to seek out the simplest (read laziest) method to achieve...

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of an Executive Sponsor

10-Jan-2013 12:00:05

A digital strategy focuses on using technology to improve business performance, whether that means creating new products or reimagining current processes. As with all...

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