Heather McDade

Digital Marketing Manager at FlowCentric Technologies. Heather has more than two decade's worth of experience in the software and business services industries. As an experienced digital marketer, she manages all digital marketing platforms for the company.
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Recent Posts

Leading the Mining Industry into the Future

30-Aug-2016 09:00:00

As part of our Global Partner Reset Initiative, FlowCentric Technologies are proud to Showcase our ISV Partner, MineRP.

A Guide to Getting Started with Process Optimisation

19-Aug-2016 08:30:00

Why does process optimisation matter? Process optimisation is important to businesses because it helps them to meet their strategic objectives more efficiently. In turn,...

FlowCentric Technologies participate in the Sun International Sympathy SleepOut 2016

10-Aug-2016 14:40:01

Would you spend just one night sleeping on the icy city streets? Imagine spending every night struggling to find shelter from the elements, to stay warm, to stay safe…

Sympathy SleepOut 2016

14-Jul-2016 14:42:25

Imagine spending every one of these cold winter nights on the streets? Imagine spending just one night on the icy city street? Help us make a difference!

How to Lose a Customer in 10 Ways

08-Jun-2016 12:58:11

I’m pretty sure some businesses are using the plot from the movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, as the inspiration for forging customer relations.

How Are You Controlling the Process

15-Sep-2015 11:23:00

Do you lay out the rules to your children and expect them to stick to each one without any further monitoring? No, because of that annoying little thing we call “free will”....

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