The ROCCI in conjunction with FNB, hosted their Annual Business of the Year Awards on 5 November 2016 at Silverstar Casino where FlowCentric Technologies scooped Gold in the...
You may have read my previous article where I introduced the analogy of Business Process Management and Optimisation in parallel with Home Renovations. If not, you may want...
SharePoint has a workflow engine and is designed to manage document approvals, so why is it not the ideal Business Process Management Tool?
Denis Bensch, CIO - To those of us who grew up with westerns and cowboy stories, Wells Fargo often generates an image of stage coaches, high-speed horse chases and shootouts...
Jacques Wessels, CEO, FlowCentric Technologies officially opened the newly built Sable House building at a ribbon cutting ceremony held this morning.
Strategies for Organisational Transformation are a lot Like Home Renovation Plans
BPM…BPO…BPR…Transformation…Workflow Automation… This is just some of the jargon used routinely in my line of work, and I’m sure it’s just a fraction of the consultant talk...