What is the difference between BPMS and Workflow? Between DMS and CMS? Or ERP and a Custom Application? How does one make sense of all these system acronyms? How does one...
Successful business process optimisation is much like parenting, in that you often find yourself asking, “Why is this here?” Just as parents constantly stumble upon a...
Innovation is the key that unlocks revolutionary business process design.
You may have read my previous article where I introduced the analogy of Business Process Management and Optimisation in parallel with Home Renovations. If not, you may want...
SharePoint has a workflow engine and is designed to manage document approvals, so why is it not the ideal Business Process Management Tool?
Strategies for Organisational Transformation are a lot Like Home Renovation Plans
14-Sep-2016 08:00:00
BPM…BPO…BPR…Transformation…Workflow Automation… This is just some of the jargon used routinely in my line of work, and I’m sure it’s just a fraction of the consultant talk...