In first aid, ABC stands forairways,breathing, andcirculation and are some of the first steps that emergency personal take to assess the condition of a patient. If you...
Use the Right Technology to Empower Innovation for Lasting Digital Business Transformation
It seems that every industry is talking about digital transformation, which is often viewed as going paperless. Digital business transformation would be better described as ...
Your company has committed to digitising and improving its business processes, a technology platform has been chosen, implementation specialists have been hired, and you have...
Businesses Overlook The Benefits Of Effective Digital Supplier Management At Their Own Peril
Einstein had it wrong. Not his theory of relativity. Apparently that is holding up quite well, but he is also the guy credited with saying that the definition of insanity is...
Do you have a great software application, but the platform you’ve developed it on is no longer stable? Technology advances are occurring at such an exhausting pace that your...
Unprecedented Global WannaCry Ransomware Attack Has Left Thousands of Users More Than Just Teary-Eyed
An unprecedented malware attack began sweeping the globe late last week. Numbers are sketchy at present but security researchers estimate that more than 200,000 computers in...