While C-level personnel usually have a holistic view of their organisation and understand how its processes fit together for the good of the entire business, the average...
While the goal of most business software is to increase productivity and profits, many organisations are not sure how to choose the optimal combination of solutions to...
As organisations launch more and more digital initiatives, many of which have been hastened by the disruptions wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s up to CEOs to monitor...
While technology glitches, both unintended and malicious, canerode stakeholder trustin businesses, correctly implemented and digitised processes can go a long way towards...
In 2021, Edelman’s Trust Barometer found that customers trust the technology sector more than any other, and they build that trust remarkably quickly.
Among the many challenges facing businesses today – heightened competition, contracting economies, growing regulatory complexities, disruptive technologies – there remains a...